As the organization work for the upcoming OACMUN conference in February swiftly treads ahead, so does our team grow closer with each proceeding meeting. The latest event our team put together was the filming and editing of the many educational videos recently posted across our social media! These tutorial videos serve to promote a comprehensive and easy-to-understand introduction into the many rules and procedures of model united nations. These brief, but nonetheless extremely informative videos are freely available on our Instagram and YouTube, so feel free to go check them out!
Our goal is to ease the burden of aspiring delegates, who might otherwise be put off from MUNs entirely when faced with the admittedly long and somewhat intimidating rules and procedures they’re required to get used to.
Our time filming primarily went to showcase the first point in this article, which is that our team is growing noticeably closer, and that many taxing responsibilities that organizing an MUN entails pass much more smoothly due to the amazing cohesion our team keeps showcasing. Any hiccups that occur quickly get glazed over, and missing deadlines isn’t even a concept for us! All thanks to our amazing organization board, which manages to make events like these feel more like hangouts than work.
That being said, getting filmed is certainly an intimidating responsibility, but thankfully our talented chairs took this challenge head on, volunteering to participate in the creation of these videos. Despite most of them never doing something like this before, the videos (as we’re sure you’ll also be able to attest to) turned out exceptionally well! The atmosphere was always supportive and relaxed. The chairpersons were given full freedom to edit their scripts as they saw fit, which gave way to lengthy but constructive debates, regarding what points are the most important to mention, and in what way should they be expressed (These discussions also gave us some amazing photos!). Now of course, the people in front of the camera aren’t the only ones deserving of credit! Our talented editors and film crew deserve much of the aforementioned credit for making these videos as amazing as they are. Their patience and creativity certainly launched this project to a whole new level.
We can only hope that our further meetings exceed our expectations as much as this one managed to! In the meantime, did you know we’ve opened applications for chairpersons? If you’ve got some experience and wish to partake in such activities as well as to put in the effort to make this conference the best it can be, send us Your application!
by : Veljko Aleksić